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Rs. In Lacs  
Sr. No. Particulars I.T. Other than I.T. Total Year to date Audited
For the Quarter ended 31.12.03 For the Quarter ended 31.12.02 For the Quarter ended 31.12.03 For the Quarter ended 31.12.02 For the
Quarter ended 30.09.03
For the
Quarter ended 31.12.02
Nine Months ended
Nine Months ended
1 Total Income 3880.20
2713.30 688.51 247.56 4568.71 2960.86 12169.36 8234.10 11446.59
  Sales / Income from Operations 3880.03 2712.92 356.79
4236.82 2944.77 11676.60


  Profit / (Loss) on sale of Investments 0.00 0.00 330.12 10.77 330.12 10.77 488.38 158.45 178.31
  Other Income 0.17 0.38 1.60 4.94 1.77 5.32 4.38 61.15 81.64
2 Total Expenditure 2016.24 976.01 141.93 129.07 2158.17 1105.08 5718.15 2913.02 4448.70
  a) Direct Cost, Product charges and Connectivity Cost 677.83 98.32 0.00 0.00 677.83 98.32 1543.95 188.46 366.16
  b) Staff Cost 784.29 579.91 40.89 46.69 825.18 626.60 2368.80 1664.08 2294.50
  c) Rent and Compensation Charges 76.70 34.66 21.27 21.24 97.97 55.90 212.37 168.62 223.43
  d) Legal and Professional Charges 31.27 11.40 16.27 21.24 47.54 32.64 161.43 121.94 146.34
  e) Discounts and Commission 208.47 82.94 0.00 0.00 208.47 82.94 557.89 202.43 483.15
  f) Other 237.68 168.78 63.50 39.90 301.18 208.68 873.71 567.49 935.12
3. Interest and other Finance Charges 0.00 2.23 0.00 0.24 0.00 2.47 0.16 8.96 0.00
4. Gross Profit (after Interest but before Depreciation, Tax & Exceptional Items ) 1863.96 1735.06 546.58 118.25 2410.54 1853.31 6451.05 5312.12 6997.89
5. Less : Depreciation / Amortisation 97.10 85.18 8.83 7.05 105.93 92.23 317.88 234.29 385.96
6. Profit / ( Loss ) before Tax 1766.86 1649.88 537.75 111.20 2304.61 1761.08 6133.17 5077.83 6611.92
7. Provision for Taxation ( incl. Deferred Tax ) 0.00 65.00
50.00 45.00 50.00 110.00 125.00 425.00 408.87
8. Profit / ( Loss ) after Tax 1766.86 1584.88 487.75 66.20 2254.61 1651.08 6008.17 4652.83 6203.05
9. Paid-up Equity Share Capital ( Face Value Rs. 10/- )         4,090.39 4,090.39 4,090.39 4,090.39 4,090.39
10. Final Dividend                 2,863.27
11. Reserves Excluding Revaluation Reserve                 38,303.93
12. Basic and Diluted E.P.S. ( not annualised ) ( Rs.)         5.51 4.04 14.69 11.38 15.16
13. Aggregate of Non-Promoter Shareholding:                  
  - Number of shares             10,230,764   10,228,264
  - Percentage of Shareholding ( % )             25.01   25.01
Notes :
1. Pursuant to the Board approval, the Company is in the process of acquiring controlling interest and management control in Customer Contact Centre (C3), a large offshore call centre based in Philippines.
2. The Company has added one more large US health insurance company as its customer with a new BPO contract , initially for a period of three years.
3. The Company has taken on lease additional premises admeasuring 80,000 sq ft. to provide for 1400 seats to meet the expanding requirements of its customers.
4. Previous period figures have been regrouped wherever necessary.
5. During the quarter, 6 fresh investor complaints were received. All the complaints were resolved and there was no complaint pending as on 31st December, 2003.
Accreditions :
1. The Company has been rated as the Second Best Employee Friendly Company in the recently released DQ-IDC BPO Employee Satisfaction Survey.
2. In the insurance claim processing business, the Company is rated as the Second Largest in India by Business World Magazine in terms of number of processors.
3. Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Asia Pacific Technology Fast 500 Program, 2003 has recognized the Company as one of the Asia Pacific leading technology companies in 2003.
The Statutory Auditors have carried out a limited review of the financial results of quarter ended December 31, 2003 as per Clause 41 of the Listing Agreement with Stock Exchange.
The above results were reviewed by the Audit Committee and taken on record by the Board of Directors at its meeting held on 20th January, 2004.
Segment information as per Clause 41 of the Listing Agreement for the quarter ended 31st December, 2003
Rs. In Lacs 
Particulars Quarter ended
December 31, 2003
Quarter ended
December 31, 2002
Nine months ended
December 31, 2003
Nine months ended
December 31, 2002
Year ended
March 31, 2003
Segment Revenues
a) Convergence Activities          
i) I.T. 3880.03 2713.30 10717.34 7064.87 9977.81
ii) Media - Telecom 188.72 179.11 618.06 670.65 890.14
  4068.75 2892.41 11335.40 7735.52 10867.95
b) Treasury 499.63 63.48 831.02 474.36 497.00
c) Others ( unallocated ) 0.33 4.97 2.94 24.22 81.64
Total Income 4568.71 2960.86 12169.36 8234.10 11446.59
Segment Results- Profit / (Loss) before tax and interest from segment
a) Convergence Activities          
i) I.T. 1766.86 1652.11 5149.25 4332.86
ii) Media - Telecom 108.26 96.89 401.13 474.68 514.84
  1875.12 1749.00 5550.38 4807.54 6302.12
b) Treasury 490.65 53.94
c) Others ( unallocated ) (61.16) (39.39) (197.69) (168.91) (151.61)
  2304.61 1763.55 6133.33 5086.79 6611.92
Less : Interest 0.00 2.47 0.16 8.96 0.00
Total Profit before Tax 2304.61 1761.08 6133.17 5077.83 6611.92
Capital Employed (Segment Assets - Segment Liabilities)
a) Convergence Activities *          
i) I.T. 9078.42 7196.92
9078.42 7196.92 7654.42
ii) Media - Telecom 29141.35 25964.64 29141.35 25964.64 28679.94
  38219.77 33161.56 38219.77 33161.56 36334.36
b) Treasury 9158.69 8154.55 9158.69 8154.55 8602.03
c) Others ( unallocated ) 1,024.07 634.06 1,024.07 634.06
Total 48402.53 41950.17 48402.53 41950.17 42394.32
There are no Inter Segment Revenues
* This includes capital employed in TMT (Technology, Media and Telecom) subsidiaries.
Place : Mumbai
Date : 20th January, 2004

For Hinduja TMT Limited
S. Solomon Raj
Vice Chairman
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