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Investors >> Chairman's Speech

  16th Annual General Meeting, 27th September, 2001

Dear Shareholders,
I have great pleasure in welcoming you to the 16th Annual General Meeting of your Company.

In my letter dated 23rd June, 2001 addressed to you, which has become a part of the Company's Annual Report 2000-2001, I have delineated the strategic initiatives being launched by us for shareholder value enhancement through greater focus and consolidation of TMT businesses within the fold of your Company.

Since writing the above letter, certain important developments, which may impact the business of your Company, have taken place and I thought of sharing my views thereon with you.

Attack on USA and aftermath

The foremost among the occurrences is the dastardly attack on the world's financial nerve centre, which has sent shock waves around the world. Although from an international perspective India's numbers - GDP growth, inflation, foreign exchange reserves, etc. - are still good, portents like increase in oil prices, fall in exports, weakening of rupee and sluggish industrial growth could slow down the economy.

Nasscom and McKinsey are toning down their projections for India's software business. Overall, the Indian IT software industry was up by 55 per cent during 2000-01 and a growth of 30 to 35 per cent is now projected for 2001-2002.

The market research firm - International Data Corporation (IDC) - a leading global technology intelligence, industry analysis and market data provider, has said that there will be no adverse impact on revenues from India's software exports to the USA.

According to them, the demand for products and services is likely to be low due to drop in consumer confidence in the near future but revenues from software exports are not likely to be affected in the long run.

Since more and more companies in the USA are likely to outsource their back office work to cheaper locations to reduce cost, we can expect good growth in the IT enabled (also known as business process outsourcing) services in India.

Your Company has already established a good name in executing IT Enabled Services. After successfully operating the claim processing business for a Fortune-50 US company by meeting their stringent quality standards, your Company has ventured into related areas like High End Call Centers under IT Enabled Services.

New business in Information Technology

Your Company has entered into an agreement with a marketing company that has excellent contacts in USA to procure IT enabled business (with a focus on Call/Contact Centers) and IT services on its behalf. The first client brought to us by the company is a US based US$ 2 billion telecom company.

To start with, your Company proposes to service in-bound calls from potential customers of the telecom company and the initial capacity planned is 180 seats and over 360 call service representatives, which is proposed to be increased in a phased manner.

Your Company has ambitious plans for the IT enabled services with a target of setting up 2,000/3,000 seats in 2/3 years. Moving up in the value chain in these services, your Company is slated to emerge as a significant player in such business.

Media Development

The Indian media scenario in 2000-01 was a mixed bag of opportunities and concerns about its future growth. The entertainment industry is expected to grow to US$ 6.5 billion by 2005 from the present US$ 3.4 billion. According to a Mckinsey study, the growth of 12% per year in the last four years is expected to be doubled in the next four years.

The subsidiaries of your Company in the media sector, which have a national footprint, are well equipped to exploit the growth potential of the business. During the past one year, the television operations of IndusInd Media & Communications Ltd. have been spun off to another subsidiary company - IndusInd Entertainment Ltd.

This company has revamped the 'IN Mumbai' city centric channel into multilingual news and infotainment channel.

Its news bulletins titled 'IN Time' rival national news channels and show TRPs that are higher than the satellite news channels in the city of Mumbai in all time slots. The Hindi Movie channel CVO of Cable Video India Ltd. is also rated ahead of comparable satellite channels in Mumbai and nationally on Sundays. Your Company is thus well poised to take advantage of technological and multimedia convergence.

Another important development is the introduction of Communication Convergence Bill 2001 in the Lok Sabha. The passage of this Act will have a far reaching impact on orderly growth of the entertainment industry in India.

A preliminary reading of the bill shows that a sincere effort is being made by the government to "establish a structured mechanism to promote, facilitate and develop carriage and content of communications in the emerging scenario of convergence".

Your Company welcomes the Bill and expects to benefit from government's desire to be a facilitator. No adverse impact is anticipated. There is a welcome emphasis on protecting consumer interests. The industry expects a similar concern to let free market principles to prevail in pricing of services so that costs of more and more value added services can be recovered from customers.

Internet related issues

Your Company's subsidiary - IN2Cable India Ltd. is a leading category "A" (all India) Internet Service provider offering broadband via cable network of IMC.

Some of the impediments to be removed for the growth of broadband communication are :

  • Wide divergence between the paid-for bandwidth and the supplied bandwidth resulting in poor quality of service.

  • Cost of bandwidth continues to be high.

  • Lack of standardization of hardware used for connectivity.
The subsidiary is in constant dialogue with VSNL, which supplies the bandwidth for bringing about necessary improvement and also is in the process of getting bandwidth from suppliers in the private sector.

Confidence in using the Internet for business can only come with good security. Viruses such as Code Red and Nimda and self-promoting hackers, keen to tout their latest exploits, have played havoc with internet services in the recent past. In2Cable is well organized locally as well as centrally from Mumbai to promptly neutralize the effect of any virus or hacking.

Our associate company - IndusInd Information Technology Limited - is specializing in providing a safe environment for conducting banking business on internet. Our IT division also will endeavour to take advantages of the expected rise in the global IT spend on security products and services.

Knowledge Management

Our senior executives have been exposed to subjects like corporate governance, new accounting standards and transfer pricing regulations through workshops and seminars.

As reflected in the Annual Report, serious efforts have been made, not only by your Company but also by the subsidiaries, to improve corporate governance and foster equity in balancing stakeholder interests.

Our objective will be to combine good performance with good governance with greater transparency and more effective oversight, which will enable your Company to attain global standards.

We are also moving towards ensuring that accounting policies for all entities within the group are consistent for similar transactions and events and new norms are strictly followed.

Steps have also been taken to comply with transfer pricing regulations in respect of international transactions with associated enterprises.

Changes in IT division

The entire staff of our IT division have now moved into the spacious, state of the art new premises called 'HTMT House' in Bangalore from different locations. This has resulted in better control over operations of the division and increased productivity.

It has been possible to carry out structural and systematic changes in the division along with institutionalization of behavioural changes. The division is now well equipped to meet the challenges of its stretched growth objectives.

Inspite of a bleak economic outlook and tsunami in capital market, barring unforeseen circumstances, your Company is expected to maintain its profitability thanks to contracts on hand and such performance coupled with synergies arising from the convergence of TMT businesses will augment shareholder value.

With this optimistic note, my colleagues at HTMT and I thank you for the confidence you have reposed in us and look forward to your continued encouragement in the years to come.
A. P. Hinduja
Place : Mumbai
Date : 27th September, 2001
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