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Rs in lacs
Unaudited Financial Results (Provisional)
For The Quarter And Nine Months Ended 31st December 2001
Sr. No. Particulars Quarter ended
Dec. 31,
Quarter ended
Dec. 31,
Nine months ended
Dec. 31,
Year Ended
31 March 2001 Audited
I.T Other than I.T Total I.T Other than I.T Total 2001 2000
1. Total Income 1759.19 257.45 2016.64 300.84 1926.03 2226.87 4796.03 5920.30 6172.46
Sales/Income from operations 1734.06 252.10 1986.16 300.84 1926.00 2226.84 4722.89 5894.43 6091.41
Other Income 25.13 5.35 30.48 0.00 0.03 0.03 73.14 25.87 81.05
2. Total Expenditure 495.09 120.70 615.79 360.63 227.18 587.81 1783.97 1563.47 2049.80
a) Direct Cost 21.55 0.00 21.55 20.95 0.00 20.95 21.55 210.04 216.13
b) Staff Cost 227.94 37.28 265.22 204.89 59.19 264.08 862.34 608.77 677.88
c) Rent and Compensation charges 35.24 39.33 74.57 10.34 41.55 51.89 228.65 166.42 243.37
d) Legal and Professional charges 17.20 6.36 23.56 35.36 79.65 115.01 86.39 172.06 353.06
e) Other 193.16 37.73 230.89 89.09 46.79 135.88 585.04 406.18 559.36
3. Interest and other Finance charges 4.00 5.86 9.86 0.62 130.98 131.60 38.93 239.67 77.90
4. Gross Profit (after interest but before Depreciation) 1260.10 130.89 1390.99 (60.41) 1567.87 1507.46 2973.13 4117.16 4044.76
5. Less : Provision for N.P.A.s / Bad Debts written off 0.00 0.00 0.00 23.99 76.97 100.96 0.00 100.96 122.76
Depreciation / Amortisation 55.84 4.62 60.46 48.24 45.38 93.62 155.92 112.76 197.08
6. Profit/(Loss) before Tax and exceptional items 1204.26 126.27 1330.53 (132.64) 1445.52 1312.88 2817.21 3903.44 3724.92
Add : Exceptional Items 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 180.22 180.22 316.63 258.27 882.12
7. Profit/(Loss) before Tax 1204.26 126.27 1330.53 (132.64) 1625.74 1493.10 3133.84 4161.71 4607.04
8 Provision for Taxation 0.00 20.00 20.00 0.00 250.00 250.00 95.00 355.00 400.46
9. Profit/(Loss) after Tax 1204.26 106.27 1310.53 (132.64) 1375.74 1243.10 3038.84 3806.71 4206.58
10. Paid up Equity Share Capital (Face Value Rs. 10/-)     3558.37     3558.37 3558.37 3558.37 3558.37
11. Final Dividend                 1536.23
12. Reserves Excluding Revaluation Reserve                 31,207.05
13. Basic and Diluted E.P.S. (not annualised) (Rs.)     3.68     3.49 8.54 10.70 13.67
14. Aggregate of Non-Promoter Shareholding:                  
- Number of shares     9,530,948           95,36,421
- Percentage of Shareholding (%)     26.78           26.80
Notes :

The figures for the Previous Year ended 31st March, 2001 also include financials of Hinduja Telecom India Ltd.(HTIL) Melody Trading Pvt. Ltd. (MTPL) and Richman Investrade Pvt. Ltd.,(RIPL) pursuant to the Bombay High Court Order. The mergers were effective from 31st August 2000 and hence the previous year figures include financials of these companies from 31st August 2000 to 31st March 2001.
Provision for Taxation has been made for deferred tax and included in Provision for Taxation amounting to Rs. 20 lakhs for the quarter ended 31st December, 2001. Deferred Tax Liability upto March 31, 2001 would be adjusted from General Reserves as on 31st March, 2002.
Previous Year's figures have been regrouped wherever necessary.
The above results were reviewed by the Audit Committee and taken on record at the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company held on 27th January, 2002.
Segmental information as per Clause 41 of the Listing Agreement for the quarter ended 31st Dec., 2001
(Rs. in lacs)
S.No. Particulars Quarter ended
December 31, 2001
Nine Months ended
December 31, 2001
1 Segment Revenues    
a) Convergence Activities *    
i) I.T. 1759.19 4156.72
ii) Media - Telecom 273.89
b) Treasury (21.79) (499.93)
c) Others 5.35 73.14
Total Income 2016.64 4796.03
2 Segment Results- Profit / (Loss)
before tax and interest from segment
a) Convergence Activities *    
i) I.T. 1208.26 2679.84
ii) Media - Telecom 152.09
b) Treasury (25.31) (512.40)
c) Others 5.35
Less : Interest 9.86 38.93
Total Profit before tax 1330.53 3133.84
3 Capital Employed
(Segment Assets - Segment Liabilities)