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Investors >> Financial Results

Rs. In Lacs
FOR THE QUARTER ENDED 30TH SEPTEMBER 2000 (Financial year ending on 31.03.2001)
No Particulars For the Quarter ended Year to date Audited for the Period ended 31.03.2000
(9 months)
30.09.2000 30.09.1999 Current Period Previous Year
1 2 3 4 5
Sales / Total Income from Operations
2 Other Income 0.44 0.00 0.44 0.00 32.38
3 Total Expenditure 426.24 296.69 975.66 296.69 894.74
  a) Purchases 0.00 33.35 189.09 33.35 38.79
  b) Staff Cost 201.68 118.94 344.69 118.94 378.50
  c) Other 224.56 144.40 441.88 144.40 516.24
4 Interest and other Finance charges 74.24 37.49 108.07 37.49 180.57
5 Gross Profit (after interest but before Depreciation, Tax & Provision for exceptional items)
1013.93 226.41 2609.70 226.41 667.21
6 Less : Provision for N.P.A.s / Bad Debts written off 0.00 9.20 0.00 9.20 23.97
7 Depreciation 10.09 28.37 19.14 28.37 90.10
8 Add : Provision for diminution in value of investments written back 0.00 182.83 0.00 182.83 1377.09
9 Prior Period & Extraordinary Items 0.00 0.00 78.05 0.00 (9.79)
10 Profit / (Loss) before Tax 1003.84 371.67 2668.61 371.67 1920.44
11 Provision for Taxation 50.00 125.00 105.00 125.00 480.00
12 Profit / (Loss) after Tax 953.84 246.67 2563.61 246.67 1440.44
13 Paid up Equity Share Capital (Face Value Rs. 10/-) 2399.19 2399.19 2399.19 2399.19 2399.19
14 Final Dividend -- -- -- -- 516.91
15 Reserves Excluding Revaluation Reserve -- -- -- -- 10828.41
16 Basic and Diluted E.P.S. (not annualised) (Rs.) 3.98 1.03 10.69 1.03 6.00
17 Annualised E.P.S. (Rs.) 15.90 -- 21.37 -- 8.01
a) The quarter ended 30.09.2000 and audited figures for the period ended 31st March 2000 include financials of our I.T. business, namely that of ALIT, which has merged with Hinduja Finance w.e.f. 1st July 1999.
b) Col. 3 and Col. 4 are not comparable, as the year to date figures in col 3 are for six months. Col 4 represents three months Period as the previous period of nine months ended 31st March 2000.
c) The proposed mergers of the other companies namely Hinduja Telecom India Ltd., Melody Trading Pvt. Ltd. and Richman Investrade Pvt. Ltd. have already been approved by the shareholders and creditors of all companies. The appointed date of the above mentioned three amalgamations is 31st August 2000. The income from these companies will be included after the approval of these mergers from the High Court of Bombay.
Sales/Total income from operations include realised/unrealised profit/(loss) from stock trading activites, gain/(loss) from sale of investments, dividend, interest etc and sales revenues of ALIT.
Investments at cost as on 30.09.2000 were Rs. 8074.43 lacs.
a) Quoted investments Rs.6268.30 lacs at cost, market value Rs. 3947.43 lacs.
b) Unquoted investments Rs. 1806.13 lacs at cost, valuation as per RBI norms Rs.922.64 lacs.The provision for diminution in value of investments in the current year, wherever necessary, shall be made at the year end.
The above results were taken on record, at the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company held on 20th October 2000.