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Rs. In Lacs  
Unaudited Financial Results (Provisional) for the quarter ended June 2001
No Particulars I.T Other than I.T Total Total Provisional
For the Quarter ended 30.06.2001 For the Quarter ended 30.06.2001 For the First Quarter ended 30.06.2001 For the First Quarter ended 30.06.2000 Previous Year ended 31.03.2001
1 Total Income 1056.75 412.11 1468.86 2179.02 6172.46
  Sales / Income from Operations 1049.72 97.51 1147.23 1976.27 5403.65
  Other Income 7.03 314.60 321.63 202.75 768.81
2 Total Expenditure 436.82 96.85 533.67 549.42 2131.47
  a) Purchase 0.00 0.00 0.00 189.09 216.13
  b) Staff Cost 263.31 31.08 294.39 143.01 677.88
  c) Rent & Compensation charges 35.86 38.19 74.05 76.95 243.37
  d) Legal & Professional charges 20.23 0.62 20.85 16.11 353.06
  e) Other 117.42 26.96 144.38 149.48 641.03
3 Interest & other Finance charges 1.20 25.69 26.89 33.83 77.90
4 Gross Profit (after interest but before Depreciation,Tax & Provision for exceptional items) 618.73 289.57 908.30 1595.77 3963.09
5 Less:Provision for N.P.A.s / Bad Debts written off 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 112.76
Depreciation/Amortisation 24.75 43.54 68.29 9.05 115.41
6 Add:Exceptional Items 0.00 245.71 245.71 78.05 882.12
7 Profit / (Loss) before Tax 593.98 491.74 1085.72 1664.77 4607.04
8 Taxation for the Year 35.00 30.00 65.00 55.00 400.46
9 Profit / (Loss) after Tax 558.98 461.74 1020.72 1609.77 4206.58
10 Paid up Equity Share Capital (Face Value Rs.10/) - - 3558.37 2399.19 3558.37
11 Final Dividend - - - - 1536.23
12 Reserves Excluding Revaluation Reserve - - - - 31,207.05
13 Basic & Diluted E.P.S. (not annualised) (Rs.) - - 2.87 6.71 13.67
14 Aggregate of Non-Promoter Shareholding: - - - - -
No. of shares - - 95,32,448 - 95,36,421
Percentage of Shareholding ( % ) - - 26.79 - 26.80
The above results were taken on record at the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company held on 26th July, 2001.
Place : Mumbai
Date : 19th June, 2001
For Hinduja TMT Limited
S. Solomon Raj
Vice Chairman