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Unaudited Financial Results (Provisional) for the quarter and year ended 30th June 2000
No. Particulars For the First Quarter ended 30.06.2000 Audited for the Quarter ended 30.06.1999 For the First Quarter of the Previous Year
( July - Sep 99)
Audited for the Period ended 31.03.2000
(9 months)
Audited for the Year ended 30.06.1999
(Rs in lacs)
(12 months)
1 Sales / Total Income from Operations 2179.02 3353.12 560.59 1176.12 2126.65
2 Total Expenditure 549.42 85.41 296.69 315.15 350.87
a) Purchases 189.09 --- --- --- ---
b) Staff Cost 143.01 9.90 52.91 61.57 74.12
c) Other 217.32 75.51 243.78 253.58 276.75
3 Interest and other Finance charges 33.83 143.14 37.49 98.51 469.31
4 Gross Profit (after interest but before Depreciation,Tax & Provision for exceptional items) 1595.77 3124.57 226.41 762.46 1306.47
5 Less : Provision for N.P.A.s / Bad Debts written off 0.00 72.14 9.20 18.58 755.42
6 Depreciation 9.05 38.00 28.37 13.91 135.97
7 Add : Provision for diminution in value of investments written back 0.00 0.00 182.83 1377.09 0.00
8 Prior Period & Extraordinary Items 78.05 0.00 0.00 (9.79) 0.00
9 Profit / (Loss) before Tax 1664.77 3014.43 371.67 2097.27 415.08
10 Provision for Taxation 55.00 0.00 125.00 480.00 104.00
11 Profit / (Loss) after Tax 1609.77 3014.43 246.67 1617.27 311.08
12 Paid up Equity Share Capital (Face Value Rs. 10/-) 2399.24 2297.36 2399.24 2297.36 2297.36
13 Final Dividend --- --- --- 516.91 252.38
14 Reserves Excluding Revaluation Reserve --- --- --- 12612.33 11568.83
15 Basic & Diluted E.P.S. (not annualised) 6.71 13.12 1.03 7.04 1.35
16 Annualised E.P.S. 26.84 --- 4.11 --- ---
High Courts of Bombay and Chennai have already approved the scheme of amalgamation of Ashok Leyland Information Technology Ltd. (ALIT) with Hinduja Finance. The merger shall be effective from 1st July 1999.
a. The quarter ended 30.06.2000 includes financials of our I.T. business, namely that of ALIT. The Profit after Tax includes Rs. 1125.75 lakhs pertaining to ALIT.
b. The quarter ended 30.6.1999 is not comparable with the quarter ended 30.06.2000 as the Company changed its accounting year from July - June to April-March. in line with RBI guidelines. The figures as on 30.06.1999 do not include performance of ALIT as on that date it was a separate entity. However, the first quarter of the previous year ended 30.9.1999, which includes ALIT, is more relevant for 1st quarter comparison ( Refer col. 3 ).
c. Pursuant to the merger, the Equity Capital will increase by Rs. 101.88 lakhs to Rs. 2399.24 lakhs and the total reserves will be at Rs. 12963.35 lakhs.
d. Audited Results for the period ended 31.03.2000 do not include financials of ALIT since the accounts of ALIT for the period are pending finalisation.
Sales / Total Income from operations include realised / unrealised profit / ( loss) from trading activities, gain / (loss) from sale of investments, dividend , interest etc and sales revenues of ALIT.
Investments at cost as on 30.06.2000 were Rs. 7589.19 lacs.
a. Quoted Investments Rs. 5657.56 lacs at cost, market value Rs. 3757.51 lacs.
b. Unquoted investments Rs. 1931.63 lacs at cost, valuation as per RBI norms Rs. 1048.14 lacs.
c. The provision for diminution in value of investments as per RBI norms has been made.
The above results were taken on record, at the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company held on 31st July 2000.