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Investors >> Financial Results

Rs. In Lacs  
S.No. Particulars Current Year ended
Previous Year ended
1 Total Income 21,678.23 16,433.96
  Sales / Income from operations 21,053.32 14,570.34
  Profit / (Loss) on sale of investments 195.01 1,087.00
  Other Income 429.90 776.62
2 Total Expenditure 16,187.49 12,769.81
  a) Direct Cost and Operating Expenses 7,380.70 5,644.35
  b) Staff Cost 3,336.03 2,345.09
  c) Rent and Compensation charges 546.51 349.12
  d) Legal and Professional charges 605.67 707.05
  e) Provisions / Bad Debts written off 1,109.89 977.93
  f) Other 3,208.69 2,746.27
3 Interest and other Finance charges 128.90 224.47
4 Gross Profit (after interest but before Depreciation, Tax and Provision for exceptional items ) 5,361.84 3,439.68
5 Less : Depreciation / Amortisation 1,854.80 1,506.35
6 Add : Exceptional Items 745.84 246.14
7 Profit after Depreciation and Exceptional Items 4,252.88 2,179.47
8 Share of Profit from Associates* 1,827.26 -
9 Profit / ( Loss ) before Tax 6,080.14 2,179.47
10 Provision for Taxation ( incl. Deferred Tax ) 356.01 198.87
11 Profit / ( Loss ) after Tax 5,724.13 1,980.60
12 Less : Minority Interest (107.39) (1,157.02)
13 Profit after Minority Interest 5,831.52 3,137.62
14 Paid up Equity Share Capital ( Face Value Rs. 10/- ) 4,090.39 3,558.37
15 Final Dividend (including Interim Dividend) 2,863.27 2,135.02
16 Reserves Excluding Revaluation Reserve 31,571.17 31,926.99
17 Basic and Diluted E.P.S. ( not annualised ) ( Rs.) 14.26 8.82
18 Aggregate of Non-Promoter Shareholding:    
  - Number of shares 10,228,264 9,831,948
  - Percentage of Shareholding ( % ) 25.01 27.63
Notes :
1. *- The Share of Profit from Associates is calculated as per Accounting Standard 23 made mandatory from 1st April 2002, and the same is based on unaudited financial statements as certified by the respective managements. We are informed that the figures are not expected to undergo material change after completion of audit.
Consolidated Details
Segment information as per Clause 41 of the Listing Agreement for the quarter and year ended 31st March 2003
Rs. In Lacs 
S.No. Particulars Current Year ended 31.03. 2003 Previous Year ended 31.03.2002
1 Segment Revenues    
  a) Convergence Activities    
  i) I.T. 9,732.36 5,791.14
  ii) Media - Telecom 9,924.50 9,027.48
    19,656.86 14,818.62
  b) Treasury 1,591.47 838.72
  c) Others ( unallocated ) 429.90 776.62
  Total Income 21,678.23 16,433.96
  Segment Results - Profit / (Loss) before tax and interest from segment    
  a) Convergence Activities    
  i) I.T. 5,563.20 2,822.51
  ii) Media - Telecom (3,679.77) (1,946.18)
    1,883.43 876.33
  b) Treasury 1,555.88 746.32
  c) Others ( unallocated ) 942.48 781.29
    4,381.79 2,403.94
  Less : Interest 128.91 224.47
  Total Profit before tax 4,252.88 2,179.47
  Capital Employed (Segment Assets - Segment Liabilities)    
  a) Convergence Activities *    
  i) I.T. 6,390.01 4,674.75
  ii) Media - Telecom 37,589.81 37,280.09
    43,979.82 41,954.84
  b) Treasury 8,602.03 16,913.33
  c) Others ( unallocated ) (2,542.08) 677.93
  Total 50,039.77 59,546.10
* There are no Inter Segment Revenues.
Place : Mumbai
Date : 24th June, 2003

For Hinduja TMT Limited
S. Solomon Raj
Vice Chairman