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Investors >> Financial Results

Rs. In Lacs  
S.No Particulars Current Year ended 31.03.2001 Previous Period ended 31.03.2000
1 Total Income 6172.46 1725.00
  Sales / Income from Operations 5403.65 1385.05
  Other Income 768.81 339.95
2 Total Expenditure 2131.47 894.74
  a) Purchases 216.13 43.43
  b) Staff Cost 677.88 378.50
  c) Rent & Compensation Charges 243.37 157.22
  d) Legal & Professional charges 353.06 67.76
  e) Other 641.03 247.83
3 Interest and other Finance charges 77.90 163.05
4 Gross Profit (after interest but before Depreciation,Tax and Provision for exceptional items) 3963.09 667.21
5 Less : Provision for N.P.A.s / Bad Debts written off 122.76 23.97
  Depreciation / Amortisation 115.41 90.10
6 Add : Exceptional Items 882.12 1367.30
7 Profit / ( Loss ) before Tax 4607.04 1920.44
8 Taxation for the year 400.46 480.00
9 Profit / ( Loss ) after Tax 4206.58 1440.44
10 Paid up Equity Share Capital ( Face Value Rs. 10/- ) 3558.37 2399.19
11 Final Dividend 1539.40 516.91
12 Reserves Excluding Revaluation Reserve 31203.56 10828.31
13 Basic and Diluted E.P.S. ( not annualised ) (Rs.) 11.82 6.00
14 Aggregate of Non-Promoter Shareholding: --- ---
- Number of shares 95,36,421  
- Percentage of Shareholding 26.80  

All figures include financials of our I.T. division as a result of merger of Ashok Leyland Information Technology Ltd. with our Company with effect from 1st July 1999.
The figures for the year ended 31st March, 2001 also include financials of Hinduja Telecom India Ltd. Melody Trading Pvt. Ltd. and Richman Investrade Pvt. Ltd., pursuant to the Bombay High Court Order. The mergers are effective from 31st August 2000 and hence the current year figures include financials of these companies from 31st August 2000 to 31st March 2001.
The figures are not comparable as the current year is for twelve months and the previous period was for nine months.
Sales / Income from operations include software development of I.T. Division, income from dealing in shares and other securities and profit/ (loss) on sale of long term investments. .
The Company has allotted 10,18,328 equity shares pursuant to the merger of Ashok Leyland Information Technology Ltd. and 1,15,91,762 equity shares pursuant to the merger of Hinduja Telecom India Ltd., Richman Investrade Pvt. Ltd and Melody Trading Pvt. Ltd. The new equity shares allotted as above are eligible for dividend on a pro rata basis.
The Board of Directors have recommended a dividend of Rs. 5.00 per share subject to the approval of shareholders.

The above results were taken on record at the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company held on 19th June, 2001.
Place : Mumbai
Date : 19th June, 2001
For Hinduja TMT Limited
S. Solomon Raj
Vice Chairman