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Investors >> Financial Results

Rs. In Lacs  
S.No Particulars For the Quarter ended Year to date Audited for the Period ended 31.06.1999
(12 months)
31.12.2000 31.12.1999 Period ended 31.03.2000
(9 months)
Unaudited 31.03.1999
(9 months)
1 2 3 4 5
1 Total Income from Operations (193.04) (770.32) 1176.12 (1203.37) 2126.65
2 Total Expenditure 137.44 116.24 315.15 288.56 350.87
3 Interest paid 32.95 129.92 98.51 326.17 469.31
4 Gross Profit (after interest but before Depreciation, Tax & Provision for exceptional items) (363.43) (1016.48) 762.46 (1818.10) 1306.47
5 Less : Provision for N.P.A.s / Bad Debts written off 0.18 628.91 18.58 683.28 755.42
6 Prior Period & Extraordinary Items 9.79 0.00 9.79 0.00 0.00
7 Depreciation 6.64 27.23 13.91 97.97 135.97
8 Add : Provision for diminution in value of investments written back 955.86 0.00 1377.09 0.00 0.00
9 Profit / (Loss) before Tax 575.82 (1672.62) 2097.27 (2599.35) 415.08
10 Provision for Taxation 180.00 104.00 480.00 104.00 104.00
11 Profit / (Loss) after Tax 395.82 (1776.62) 1617.27 (2703.35) 311.08
12 Balance brought forward from previous year - - 504.53 - 508.05
13 Profits available for appropriation - - 2121.80 - 819.13
14 Paid up Equity Share Capital 2297.36 1982.36 2297.36 1982.36 2297.36
15 Paid up Cumulative Convertible Preference Share Capital 0.00 315.00 0.00 315.00 0.00
16 Proposed Dividend 0.00 0.00 287.17 0.00 227.37
17 Interim Dividend 0.00 0.00 229.74 0.00 0.00
18 Reserves Excluding Revaluation Reserve 12612.33 10800.32 12612.33 10800.32 11568.83
19 Net Worth 14876.60 13056.81 14876.60 13056.81 13828.16
20 Book Value per share ( Rs.) - - 64.88 - 60.19

Notes :
Total Income from operations include realised / unrealised profit / ( loss) from trading activities, gain / (loss) from sale of Investments, and other income consisting of dividend, interest etc.
Investments at cost as on 31.03.2000 were Rs. 7582.33 lacs
a) Quoted Investments Rs. 5943.97 lacs at cost, market value Rs. 4413.11 lacs.
b) Unquoted investments Rs.1638.36 lacs at cost, valuation as per RBI norms Rs. 754.87 lacs
c) The provision for diminution in value of investments as per RBI norms has been made.
The Provision for taxation has been made taking into account the expected liability on the basis of financial results for the year ending 31st March 2000.
The company did not face any problem owing to the Y2K problem and had a smooth transition in the year 2000.
The above results were taken on record, at the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company held on 20th April 2000.
