Date |
17.03.2004 |
issues discussed (new) |
To consider Interim Dividend
for the financial year 2003-04 |
To approve the conversion of loan
given to IN2Cable to equity shares |
20.01.2004 |
issues discussed |
To note the developments
of Fascel Investment and Hutch Consolidation. |
Review of I.T. Business and Outlook
for the current financial year. |
To consider and take on record the
Unaudited (Provisional) Financial Results for the
quarter ended 31st December 2003 and to authorize
Mr. S. Solomon Raj, Vice Chairman, to authenticate
the same. |
To note the Unaudited (Provisional)
Financial Results of HTMT & its subsidiaries
for the nine months ended on 31st December 2003. |
To note the change in Company Secretary. |
30.10.2003 |
issues discussed |
To take on record the Unaudited (Provisional)
Financial Results for the quarter ended 30th September
2003 and to authorize Mr. S. Solomon Raj, Vice Chairman,
to authenticate the same. |
To note Unaudited (Provisional) Financial Results
of HTMT & its subsidiaries for the half year
ended on 30th September 2003 |
To discuss the proposal of merger of In2Cable
India Ltd with IndusInd Media & Communications
Ltd. |
To approve the acquisition of majority control
in Customer Contact Center (c3), Manila, Philippines. |
To note the preparedness of the Company vis-à-vis
amended Clause 49 of the Listing agreement. |
To consider increase in Directors' Sitting Fees. |
To note the new Business Contracts. |
24.06. 2003 |
issues discussed |
To adopt the Audited Financial Results for the
year ended 31st March 2003 alongwith Consolidated
Financial Results as per Accounting Standard 21
and to authorize Mr. S. Solomon Raj, Vice Chairman,
to authenticate the same. |
To note the Audited Financial Results of the subsidiaries
for the year ended 31st March 2003 |
To consider Final Dividend for the financial year
2002-03. |
To consider reconstitution of Audit Committee. |
To note the renewal of a BPO Contract and acquisition
of new Call Center Contracts. |
& 05.05.2003 |
issues discussed |
To note Unaudited (Provisional) Financial Results
for the year ended 31st March 2003. |
To note the Consolidated Unaudited (Provisional)
Financial Results for the year ended 31st March
2003. |
To note the deregistration of the Company as NBFC
with the R.B.I. |
To consider Interim Dividend for the financial
year 2002-03 |
To consider and approve the budget for the year
2003-2004. |
To note the status of CAS Project. |
21.01.2003 |
issues discussed |
To take on record the Unaudited (Provisional)
Financial Results for the quarter ended 31st December
2002 and to authorize Mr. S. Solomon Raj, Vice Chairman,
to authenticate the same. |
To note Unaudited (Provisional) Financial Results
of the subsidiaries for the quarter ended on 31st
December 2002. |
To note the important provisions of Sarbanes-Oxley
Act, 2002 of U.S.A. |
To note the salient features of recommendations
made by Naresh Chandra Committee on Corporate Governance. |
issues discussed |
To take on record the Unaudited (Provisional)
Financial Results for the quarter ended 30th September,
2002, and to authorise Mr. Mr. S. Solomon Raj, Vice
Chairman, to authenticate the same. |
To note Unaudited (Provisional) Financial Results
of the subsidiaries for the quarter ended on 30th
September 2002. |
issues discussed |
To adopt the Audited Financial Results for the
year ended on 31st March 2002 alongwith the consolidated
results as per Accounting Standard 21 issued by
the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. |
To note the Audited Financial Results of the subsidiaries
for the year ended on 31st March 2002. |
To take on record the Unaudited (Provisional)
Financial Results for the quarter ended 30th June
2002 and authorise Mr. S. Solomon Raj, Vice Chairman,
to authenticate the same. |
To take on record the Unaudited (Provisional)
Consolidated Financial Results for the quarter ended
30th June 2002 and authorise Mr. S. Solomon Raj,
Vice Chairman, to authenticate the same. |
issues discussed |
To take on record the Unaudited Financial (Provisional)
Results for the year ended 31st March 2002, and
to authorise Mr. S. Solomon Raj, Vice-Chairman,
to authenticate the same. |
08.03.2002 |
issues discussed |
To consider interim dividend for the year ending
on 31st March, 2002.(cancelled later ) |
To consider the following matters-
a) Budget for the Financial Year 2002-2003.
b) Capital budget for the Call Center Project.
issues discussed |
To approve the Unaudited Financial (Provisional)
Results for the quarter ended 31st Dec., 2001, and
to authorise Mr. S. Solomon Raj,Vice-Chairman,
to authenticate the same. |
25.10.2001 |
issues discussed |
To note Compliance Report from Company Secretary. |
To approve the Unaudited Financial (Provisional)
Results for the quarter ended 30th September 2001,
and to authorise Mr. S. Solomon Raj, Vice-Chairman,
to authenticate the same. |
To note the performance of the subsidiaries of
To consider resolution as required by Reserve
Bank of India regarding financial activities. |
To note the status of Call Center business secured
by the Company and approve the budget for the same.
26.07.2001 |
issues discussed |
To note the Financial Results of the subsidiaries
for the quarter ended 30th June, 2001. |
To approve the Unaudited Financial Results for
the quarter ended 30th June, 2001. |
To fix the date of the next Annual General Meeting
of the Company and to approve the agenda for the
same. |
19.06.2001 |
issues discussed |
To approve the Audited Financial Results for
the year ended 31st March, 2001. |
To note the audited Financial Results of the subsidiaries
for the year ended 31st March, 2001. |
To note the status of change of name of the Company. |
To note the status of the Company under the RBI
Guidelines for NBFCs. |
To consider the appointment of Mr. Dheeraj
Hinduja as an additional director of the
Company. |